Undergoing an overhaul
For a couple of days now, this website looks different from before. This is because, after the first version of the website introduced in my first post, I finally got to style the website completely myself. It may not look as aesthetically pleasing as before, but it’s something I can work with.
This is part of a complete overhaul of my online appearance. My previous avatars
were all variations of a blue Lego brick with eyes, whereas the new one is
simplified to just a brick made of brackets and eyes. This makes it possible to
type my avatar in ASCII-characters as [ ]
, kinda like the moz://a
logo. I
also decided to stylize my name as lowercase bricked
, because it looks
stylish, duh!
Over the past couple of months I also built an entire to-do list of blog posts and other projects, so stay tuned as always!