The glow up is real

After a long time I have settled on a new online presence. This is surely the beginning of something.
An illustration of bricked sparkling.
An illustration of bricked sparkling.
1 minute read

In my last blog entry I announced that my online presence would adapt a more minimalist look. But over time I felt like it just looked too impersonal. So basically, I have undergone the oversimplified logo cycle. But this will come to an end now, I promise for real this time.

On this website and all my socials you will from now on be greeted by a cute looking digital drawing of a lego brick. It’s conceptually and design-wise very similar to my previous profile picture, but got those extra cute and personal touches :)

Apart from that, I have already reworked the style of the website once again. It now adapts an Adwaita-style design alongside a Catppuccin color scheme. This way, it perfectly matches my NixOS configuration! I have also set up some webrings, so feel free to browse them for similar websites.

Now let’s hope that this short burst of motivation will suffice to make me finally transform this website. My backlog of planned blog entries is already overflowing! Until then, have a wonderful time!